martedì 9 ottobre 2012

Faticoso riavvio

Massive Attack - Better Things

Don't drag me down
Just because you're down
And just cause you're blue
Don't make me too
Aalthough you've found
Beauty more than me
Don't talk to me
About being free

That's freedom without love
And magic without love
Magic without love

Here we're safe
Better things will surely come our way
Here we're safe
Better things will surely come our way

You say the magic's gone
Well i'm not a magician
You say the spark's gone
Well get an electrician
And save your line about needing to be free
Ah, that's bullshit babe
You just won't let it be

You want freedom without love
And magic without love
Magic without love

Here we're safe
Better things will surely come our way
Here we're safe
Better things will surely come our way

3 commenti:

  1. Guglielmo tutto bene?
    Un abbraccio

  2. Grazie per l'interessamento , Maurizio. E' semplicemente un momento difficile e ripenso a tutte le cose che sto facendo (compreso questo blog). Ciao e grazie ancora.

  3. allora ti lascio un sorriso in attesa che passi questo momento difficile!


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